
I am completely staling here. I wonder why it is so much easier thinking about the past than making an effort for the future. I guess I am like most other people – making decisions are scary simply because you feel that when you choose that one thing, you close the door on the 99 other things. Taking pictures in Photo Booth seems like far more fun than studying kanji right now. Worst/best part is that I feel like I really want to do something creative, make something, draw something, I feel spring bubbling all around me, but (un)hopefully the guilt of not studying what I am suppose to do will take over. A very random fact: I haven’t been bored since 1999, and I sometimes envy people who say they are bored, because I can not even grasp the concept, there is so much to do, both on the to-do-list and should-do-list. /End procrastination, back to the books.

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  1. Nøve says:

    Jeg skjønner hva du mener, jeg har ikke kjedet meg siden før videregående en gang. Og kanji er jo en sånn ting man ALLTID burde gjøre. Finnes jo ikke tid til å lære alt man egentlig skal kunne…

    • Sushi Bird says:

      Uff, jeg tør ikke tenke på kanji akkurat nå… Jeg tror jeg har ca 400 kanji i kombo som jeg må kunne innen tirsdag. Nghfh. Burde lese mer kanji. Alltid.

  2. Elisabeth says:

    Don’t forget the could-do-list! That’s my longest list and the one that makes boredom something that occured in my teens. There are so many amazing things you can fill the day with!

    • Sushi Bird says:

      Oh god, I don’t think I have looked at the could-do list for a long time. Every time I think things will slow down here, it just speeds up more. I am not really complaining though 😉

  3. Bruce Barone says:

    Yesterday was my birthday. I was thinking about you. Hope you are well. xo

  4. Gitte says:

    Å, jeg blir gjerne så revet mellom universitetsarbeid og mindre faglige aktiviteter at jeg ender opp med å gjøre ingenting fordi jeg er for sliten for å regne og får for dårlig samvittighet av å gjøre noe lystbetont , morsomt og kreativt. Jeg går rundt og stresser rett og slett – sliter meg ut ved å tenke på alt jeg må gjøre uten å ta meg tid til aktiviter som gir overskudd. Less is more noen ganger, men jeg glemmer ofte at ikke-faglige ting kan bidra positivt på det faglige.

    • Sushi Bird says:

      Du høres ut som meg! Du har helt rett, jeg trenger også å sette meg ned og synes det er greit å gjøre koselige ting uten å få skyldfølelse.

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