Things that made me smile about Norway this week;

♥ lots of free wireless networks in the city center ♥ THE COFFEE! ♥ I can totally listen in on other people’s conversations and actually get what they are talking about ♥ it is blueberry season! (technically, bilberry season, since Norwegian blueberries are bilberries, not blueberries, but I have already covered this in a previous post) ♥ I bought a whole block of Norvegia cheese just because I could ♥ the internet connection in this apartment is fast and smooth ♥ I can throw out my trash any day of the week, I don’t have to keep it inside my apartment until trash day ♥ LOTS of birds in the park ♥ my iPhone has internet and I can do Japanese quizzes on the bus, not a wasted moment ♥ I could read every single field on the form I filled out when I went to change my address (I was so excited I actually went around the office there and started reading random other forms as well, just because I could!) ♥

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  1. Hanne says:

    Små gleder i hverdagen 😀

  2. Nøve says:

    Haha, jeg skal huske å sett litt ekstra pris på det så lenge jeg kan høre hva folk rundt meg snakker om. (Skal svare på mailen din så snart jeg får litt oversikt over neste uke. 🙂

    • Sushi Bird says:

      Kos deg med den så lenge du kan! Det er jo spennende å ikke forstå hva folk rundt deg snakker om også, så du kan jo kose deg med det også mens du er i Japan. Det hadde vært kjempeflott å treffes før du dro, men ikke stress, vi snakkes nok uansett i Japan om noen måneder når jeg drar tilbake, dersom du fremdeles er i Tokyo rundt juletider.

  3. Daniel Jackson says:

    Haha, du er best.

  4. I love “real” coffee shops that can do those fancy designs on the foam!

    Sounds like Norway is recovering slowly from its recent tragedies.

    • Sushi Bird says:

      I always smile from the designs as well. And yes, I think Norway will be just fine, I have hardly heard anybody talking much about it for the past week.

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