Things I love Tuesday;

  1. If you are in Norway and have a Nintendo DS, this webshop had great service for R4 cartridges. It took me 4 day in total from I placed the order until I got the package in the mail. (And for being Norway, that is really fast service!)
  2. Reaching the stage of Conscious Competence in Japanese. A nice article about different stages of learning. (I will start writing articles about learning Japanese myself, I just have to get around to it. Until then, the above website is a super resource!)
  3. A fun little article for the top 10 reasons to make gay marriage illegal 😉
  4. This might not be funny unless you know anybody from Bergen, Norway, but basically the county has put out a long list of words and expressions used in Bergen. I had not heard about half of them, but it was a fun to see anyhow!
  5. Spoonflower is a website where you can make your own fabrics! A dream come true, I have been wanting to put designs on textile for a long time, and finally a website that seems really promising.
  6. And I am absolutely in love with these Jeffrey Cambell shoes. If anybody knows where to buy them offline, please let me know! I don’t mind buying shoes online, but this design is kind of special and I am not sure how the shoe would actually look in real life, so trying them on would be great.
  7. And again, if you are in Bergen, these guys at Ichiban make fun sushi! It reminds me a lot more of American/Canadian style of sushi than traditional Japanese sushi, but still, a lot of fun rolls and combos!
  8. This website is all about simplifying your life by getting rid of possessions and create smarter and smaller living spaces, both to improve the quality of your life, and to leave less of a footprint. A lot of neat solutions here! When I grow up, I want to live in a space with movable walls.
  9. My friend sortenke has a nice little interview up (in Norwegian) about what type of tools she uses in her design process.
  10. How much do genes matter? A very nice article about how talent only takes you so far from Scott H. Young, who is all about learning faster and achieving more. (Check out his archive as well, lots of goodies in there about learning techniques.)

Things that made me smile:

Fat bird balls resting up on the lawn enjoying the last streaks of heat from the sun // Norwegian creamy fish soup // Crossing out all the items I had planned for the day in teuxdeux // Rediscovering twitter all of a sudden // THIS // Have empty space in my bookshelves and closets, empty white space on the walls // Small rooms which can be heated up to livable temperatures within 30 min // Sparkling water (elixir of life!) // Some beautiful people who have uploaded a lot of documentaries to youtube lately, thank you ♥ // Norwegian, black coffee // The very big moon a couple of days ago

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  1. Marie says:

    Så fint innlegg. 🙂 Skal sjekke ut mange av linkene du linket.

  2. Egwene says:

    I have those Jeffrey Campbell shoes! They look great in real life as well -but sizes run BIG! I am usually a 9.5, bought a 10, but think an 8 might have done the trick…

    • Sushi Bird says:

      Lucky girl, you! I absolutely want them, but I know it is not smart to buy them now in fall, my feet are already cold enough, adding a shoe with open front to the collection would probably not be the wisest thing to do. But they are so pretty… I’m torn, in other words!

  3. Sophie says:

    I don’t have the R4 Cartridge is it any good? I have the Acekard 2i. I don’t know if your into the Professor Layton game series but the new one came out yesterday & I’m really looking forward to that rom.

    • Sushi Bird says:

      The R4 works like a charm on mine, never had any problems with it, and it was really easy to find the files to go on it and so on. I have no idea what Professor Layton games are, but it would be cool to actually use the DS for some games for once, right now I have a lot of kanji-traning-games and a Japanse dictionary loaded into the DS. I kind of forgot that it can be used for gaming as well! So far I think my favorite one is animal crossing, but I have no friends who play animal crossing, so playing alone can get boring after a couple of hrs.

      • Sophie says:

        They are logic type games that are really fun. Animal Crossing is one of my favorites to but I haven’t played in ages I imagine that my whole town must be full of weeds by now. =)

        • Sushi Bird says:

          I have the same problem 🙂 It will probably take me an hour or two to clean up all the weeds now if I ever open the game again… I have to check out the other games you mentioned, I haven’t used the DS for actual games in such a long time, would be fun to try it out again 🙂

  4. Angela says:

    Mange koslige og interessante linker her! Thanks! 😀

    • Sushi Bird says:

      No problem, I feel happy sharing links like this. I wish more blogs would share more links, but it seems like a lot of blogs are quite introverted when it comes to writing, anything that doesn’t directly concern the blogger him/herself are not posted so often on Norwegian blogs. Or maybe it is just the type of blogs I am reading?

  5. jessica says:

    ohhh my friend has a pair of those jeffrey campbell shoes! they are amazing! i have no idea where she got them though, i’m sorry.

    • Sushi Bird says:

      I’ll find them somewhere. I know their sizes run kind of big, so I am a bit weary when it comes to buying online for just these shoes, considering the price as well, but I keep on going back to the internet pages they are for sale on, drooling. Bah.

  6. Gitte says:

    Nå er jeg skikkelig opprømt! Så mange bra linker!

    Jeg har familie i og venner fra Bergen, så jeg kjenner igjen noen av uttrykkene. Bergensk er så vittig. Men hva er greien med “hot dog” egentlig?

    Å lage eget stoff! Nå kan jeg ikke sy noe særlig, men sengetrekk må jo være enkelt nok. Jeg er for kule motiver på sengetrekk nemlig.

    LifeEdited er veldig interessant – i grunn er jeg drittlei ting som bare fyller og ikke har noen verdi. Less kan definitivt være more. Jeg er bare ikke helt for å digitalisere alt av filmer og bøker. Jeg liker å ha noe å se og ta i hvis det symboliserer noe som betyr mye for meg.

    Kom ikke lenger i gen-artikkelen enn til første setning med MIT-prosjekt-linken. MIT har nemlig lagt ut forelesningsvideoer til alle kursene sine. Inkludert mattekursene som er ekvivalente med mine. Det skal jeg definitivt benytte meg av!

    • Sushi Bird says:

      Haha, så morsomt at du skulle nevne de MIT-videoene, for jeg prøvde nemlig å se på dem selv også. Nå kan jeg jo ikke noe om matematikk, så jeg endte opp med å bli veldig forvirret. Skulle ønske MIT hadde lagt ut forelesninger om japansk også, da hadde jeg nok klart å følge med litt lenger! Du er flink som tar matte, altså!

      • Gitte says:

        Takk for påminnelsen! Jeg har faktisk helt glemt at jeg kan en del matematikk og faktisk er ganske god til det, sånn egentlig. Jeg må jobbe mye med studiene og føler meg derfor ikke spesielt flink, men jeg glemmer at fagene holder et relativt høyt vanskelighetsnivå.

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