Have your cake and eat it too;

Not much love from me to this poor blog over the past few months, so here is a couple of random cakes from Japan. Everything is fine and dandy, I have simply chosen to not prioritize to update the blog until I have gotten a majority of the work for this semester at uni done. I am slowly getting better at prioritizing. I used to feel guilty when I couldn’t do ALL the things ALL the time, but then I realized (little by little) – good girls sometimes create a lot of stress in their own life, stress that is not necessary. Nobody dies if I don’t update the blog for a couple of weeks. Nobody gets hurt if I put down the camera for a couple of days, and choose to do other things. All that aside, I remember the quote I wrote in my Moleskine a couple of years ago “I make things because I get sad if I don’t”. With that in mind I returned to my blog here today, and felt like updating. Hope you are all having a great fall!


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  1. Dara says:

    I just discovered your blog recently – your photos are lovely! And I agree, no need for self-induced guilt (I have to tell myself this too). Good luck with your studies!

    • Sushi Bird says:

      Thank you so much! I have decided to stop feeling guilty over silly little things. A blog is suppose to be fun, not a chore.

  2. Dulce says:

    Beautiful pics, love your post always, hope you can finish your things in time, and enjoy every moment 🙂

  3. Gitte says:

    Når aktiviteter man gjør for moro skyld utvikler seg til å bli en byrde, er det nok helt riktig å omprioritere. Vi jenter/damer er så flinke til å legge unødvendig press på oss selv – selv har jeg trent meg på å gjøre valg som gjør livet lettere og bedre – det innebærer ofte å kutte ned på ting og være mindre krass med meg selv. God høst til deg også, håper du får tid og lyst til blogging og bilder igjen etterhvert. : )

    • Sushi Bird says:

      Det er både lyst og kjekt å blogge! Det er kjekt å lese bloggen din, du har alltid fine og gjennomtenkte innlegg.

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