Big love comes in a tiny package.

From 2004. The little white one was always my favorite. She would know when I felt sad, come over to me and make a little nest between the hair and my neck and make a little burrrrr-sound. She would always help me with my homework, sitting on my pen and leaving a couple of extra punctuation marks on the page.

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Careful, Nancy Drew.

I have such a terrible memory. I have no idea where this is. I have no idea who I was paying a visit, or who I was with. All that is left are these half-anonymous pictures. Obviously I can tell a couple of things just by looking at the pictures now. 1. It is clearly a Norwegian house, I can tell from some of the picture frames. 2. The furniture is old. Apart from that I am lost. I have turned into this outside-in-observer. I wonder if the mind chooses to selectively forget certain things, or if this day simply wasn’t much to remember in the first place.

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Do you remember drinking wine in the staircase and hearing fireworks in the distance?

17th of May, 2004.

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Just living wasn’t enough.

A small ball of pure love. He isn’t the smartest one of the bunch, but he is damn cute.

Look! Even back in 2004 there were signs that I was suppose to go to Japan, I just didn’t see them back then.

When I look at a lot of the old and discarded pictures I am kind of surprised with the amount of greyness. I spent time in rainy places, I guess.

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Rainy days and Mondays // May 2004

More discarded old pictures. I can not remember what I did, or where I was, but I remember the rain and the plants and the glitter and the coldness of the air, despite being May.

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Seven years ago.

I was looking through my photo archive. I have all the pictures I have ever taken, from about year 2001 and until now, unedited as well as edited, and although I rarely go back and check in my archives, all of a sudden I felt like it yesterday. There are about 200 000 pictures. The result is a ton of pictures divided into way too many posts of pictures that I just discarded at the time, but I found them now, and there is something I like about them. I am making a new category for these old and forgotten pictures I stumble across. I am not sure they are interesting to view for others than myself, maybe I like them because there are certain memories connected to them or whatnot. But whatever, this is a blog, so I can post whatever I like. I am really enjoying this whole blogging thing, it feels good to post small imperfect things whenever I want. These are discarded pictures from April / May 2004. Time flies.

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