A gift is a present.

My birthday is in the middle of December, so I decided to take pictures of all the nice things I got both for my birthday and christmas. I have always loved ballerina flats, so when I got a pair which sparkles against the pavement, I was ecstatic.

I was taken out for a wonderful (wine and) champagne tasting in the beginning of December as a pre-birthday gift. The tasting was at Aquavit in Tokyo, a Scandinavian style restaurant. It was a lot of fun to see all the homely Scandinavian food made into fancy canape-style. It felt both very right and a bit strange to eat Swedish Surströmming and Meatballs on a toothpick.

I got a new perfume, since mine was almost empty.

And macaroons!

And lots of pretty wrapping.

And pretty shoes. I love that there is no snow here, you can actually wear pretty shoes without ruining them in Tokyo, even midwinter.

My friend knew I liked budgies – so she got me a build-it-yourself-budgie. I love it, it was such a thoughtful gift.

A game which will help both my Japanese and my geography skills. Both are much needed.

A Blythe book, filled with gorgeous photos of gorgeous dolls.

I used to love spirographs, and I used to have a vintage Kenner Spirograph kit, but I left it when I moved to Japan. I got a new, modern one this time, and I can not wait to try it out.

A pink controller for the wii + oldstyle controller for the wii, because…

I got old-style Mario games. I have spent a few days of christmas reminiscing my childhood. ♥

Supplies from the mother-land! I find it almost silly. I love cheese and champagne and decent restaurants – and when I move half-way around the world – what do I miss? The junk. Thankfully I have a sweet mom who understands my needs, and brought with her reinforcements. What is even more funny is that I hardly eat sweets at all, so I bet the chocolate is going to last me for the entire year. The cheez-doodles, on the other hand, will probably be gone before I even know I ate them.


New Samantha Vega purse.

And a small hat which I had to wear for three days straight. The best gift of all isn’t pictured at all though, because that gift is what took most of these pictures. I got a new camera, just in time for my old one to go into coma. I am so incredibly grateful for all the amazing things I got.

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  1. Milla says:

    love the shoes, and what a cute crown 🙂

  2. Benedicte says:

    Happy belated birthday.
    You got so many nice things.
    The build-it-yourself budgie is adorable <3

    • Sushi Bird says:

      Thank you very much! I was so happy about the gifts, but I was even more happy about all the nice people and everyone who remembered my day. I felt really blessed.

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