Apr 15, 2011 by Sushi Bird
I had this for dinner a few night ago. It was really good. The small fish are filled with roe, and on the package it says they are from Norway. I was wondering if anyone in Norway has ever eaten a fish like this? I have never seen them for sale when I was living in Norway, so I was wondering if it was one of those fish that is only exported to Japan, and not consumed in Norway at all? They are between 10 – 13 cm long, and you just grill them in the oven, and you eat the entire thing, including the head.
I’ve never seen them in normal stores in Norway, but it might be possible to find them in the asian-food stores 😀
I can not recall seeing them either, but I love them, and I figure – since it is a Norwegian fish, it should be obtainable in Norway… It is called Shishamo in Japan,and pretty common in almost all food stores.
Kan det være en sildefisk? Årsgammel sild (mussa) er vel omtrent så stor…
Jeg vet at de heter Shishamo på japansk, og fant denne wiki-siden om dem, men ble ikke så mye klokere… Du er jo flink med fisk, kanskje du forstår mer enn meg?
Aha! Det er nok lodde eller krøkle: http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loddefisker
Ahhh… Tusen takk skal du ha! Da jeg leste på wiki på engelsk klarte jeg ikke å kjenne igjen noen av fiskenavnene, så da tenkte jeg at bloggen var et fint sted å få svar! Du har jo alltid vært flink med natur og friluftsliv!