Fake caviar and rainy days;
Sep 19, 2011 by Sushi Bird
Every time I think things will slow down, they just speed up up up. I think I have to start accepting the fact that life will not slow down again. Come to think of it, it isn’t the worst situation to be in, I feel at my happiest when I am busy and have more than enough tings to do. Right now I am trying to make space in my evenings, at least a 10 minute break every day enjoying avocado and fake caviar, it is a fabulous combo, and you should try it as well.
What exactly is fake caviar??
Good question! Basically, the roe in the pictures above are Capelin roe, and not real caviar which usually comes from Sturgeon, if I am not mistaken? In any case, the glass jar above is about 2 – 3 USD, while the real thing is… well, I don’t want to even think about it! The Capelin roe is a great substitute though, if you want a cheap alternative.
Jeg føler også at tiden bare går fortere og fortere. Ofte lurer jeg på hvordan jeg skal få alt til å gå opp, men pauser innimellom gjør det litt lettere å være produktiv. Avokado med kaviar har jeg ikke prøvd – det må jeg! ^^
Avocado og kaviar er kjempegodt, og dessuten er det billig om du kjøper et nett med avocado. Og den fake kaviaren er 14 kr 🙂