Hasselblad, ca 2006

(These were taken with Hasselblad back in 2006. Photographer: Helene. Model: Yours truly.)

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  1. Milla says:

    ph my GOD, these photos were amazing! wish I had hasselblad too!

  2. Milla says:

    there was supposed to be an O there instead of the P 😉

  3. Tippi+Ella says:

    You are so beautiful. <3

    I really want to start using my analogue cameras more. Would love to try out a Hasselblad!

    • Sushi Bird says:

      Haha, I think something must have changed with my face though, I am having a really hard time taking decent pictures of my face lately. I would love to do more analogue cameras again, but it is such a hassle with the film, not to mention the price… If I ever get filthy rich I would love to shoot more film.

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