My 2010 – December
Jan 2, 2011 by Sushi Bird
December was full of events, and it should probably be split into several posts, but here is a short recap. Macaroons!
I made a Christmas calendar for the pretty one.
I finally finished my Moleskine notebook, after 1.5 years. This is the longest it has ever taken me to fill one up. Maybe one goal for 2011 is to draw more again.
Christmas and my birthday was coming up.
And I ate a lot of sushi for my birthday.
Christmas decorations in Shinjuku.
Relaxing on the bed, trying to have a couple of calm days in between parties, Japanese tests, birthday, Christmas and mom coming to Japan.
I started a new Moleskine.
I went to Asakusa with my mom, it was extremely crowded.
Christmas lights in front of Studio Alta in Shinjuku.
We went to Nekobukoro – a room in Ikebukuro – where you pay 600 yen to enter and pet cats for as long as you like.
We ate lots of good food, and got coffee with small smiling faces on the top.
And we ended up with lots of Christmas gifts around our little tree.
We watched old movies on Christmas eve, these pictures are from The Robe.
And mom and me went to Harajuku, took silly pictures in Puri-Kura machines…
…ate crepes…
And bought drinks from the jidohanbaiki close by.
The Christmas lights down Omotesando.
Sunset close to our house.
I bought cute beer as a gift for someone special for Christmas.
Mom and me went to Ueno park.
There were lots of wild cats around the park.
I still laugh at all the cute signs around the smokers’ areas.
We went to the Mori Arts Center, one of my favorite places in the world.
We ate sushi for dinner. This was the first time I had eaten American-style sushi in Tokyo, and it was a nice change to taste some of the crazy styles of rolls. There are millions of sushi restaurants in Tokyo, but most of the ones I go to serve traditional style sushi, and not the crazy rolls.
And this was my view at midnight on New Year’s Eve, spent together with good people at a good party. There are no fireworks in Tokyo for New Years Eve, but I don’t think it is needed with a view like this. All the city lights are just as gorgeous. Happy New Year everybody, may 2011 be amazing and wonderful for you.
Så utrolig fin blogg du har. Hva gjør du i Japan? Studerer du? Likte moleskineboka di, nydelig
Tusen takk. Jeg startet denne bloggen i går, etter å ha tenkt på det en stund. Så nå gleder jeg meg til å fylle opp bloggen med fine ting, forhåpentligvis. Jeg leser japansk her i Tokyo, og føler at tiden går dobbelt så fort som alle andre steder i verden.
haha trodde jeg måtte skrive engelsk, helt til jeg så du snakket norsk.
Utrolig fine bilder ! Ser utrolig fint ut der !
Tusen takk for kommentaren, jeg blir like glad uansett om kommentaren er på norsk eller engelsk. Jeg har aldri hatt en blogg på norsk før, men tenkte at jeg kanskje kunne prøve å skrive noen innlegg på både norsk og japansk etterhvert også, men det kjennes litt uvant å skrive noe annet enn engelsk for meg på nett.
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Tusen takk skal du ha. Jeg håper at jeg kan fylle opp bloggen med fine ting etter hvert. Apropos ingenting – jeg ble nysgjerrig på navnet ditt – er det fra island?