
Got back to Tokyo last night, and it felt good to be in a country with calm people and a reliable internet-connection. (China was niiice as well though, don’t get me wrong!) However, just in the first four hours of being home there was six earthquakes (probably aftershocks). I assume it is Japan’s way of saying welcome home. No major quakes. Today has been spent doing laundry and other housewife-like things and then going shopping for food. The supermarkets have almost completely restocked everything (apart from cup noodles) and there was no long lines anymore. I have tons of pictures from Shanghai to look through. Hope everyone else is well, I haven’t checked anyone’s blogs because bloglovin was blocked in China. Anyway – good to be home!

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  1. wow, blokka dei bloglovin faktisk.. shit, då er du redd for ida wulff altså 😉

    • Sushi Bird says:

      Ja, det var helt merkelig hvor mange sider som var blokket. Jeg visste jo om at facebook var blokket, men da jeg forsøkte å gå inn på bloglovin, blogspot, youtube, twitter… alt av sosiale nettverk var enten blokket helt eller blitt gjort så treige at det ikke gikk an å komme inn på sidene.

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