The Mountain by Terje Sorgjerd

The Mountain from Terje Sorgjerd on Vimeo.

I have been meaning to post this absolutely amazing video by Terje Sørgjerd for days now, but I have been a bit too busy to be able to post everything I wanted. Better late than never. You HAVE to see this full screen. I think it is one of the most beautiful things I have seen. I especially like how the clouds in some parts of the movies have been sped up, and look like waves and water. And the stars, god lord, it is just … out of this world. I love earth.

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  1. Charlotte says:

    jeg er HELT enig – det er nok det fineste jeg noen gang har sett 🙂

  2. Oh goodness. I saw in full screen. I love you for showing us this.
    Honestly, it’s just… that’s one breathtaking video. 😀


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