もも、本、Lazy days

Good tuesday to you! Today the sun is shining in Tokyo, and I will go and pick up my new foreigners card at the city office.

I am finally getting into holiday mode. Just have to make sure it is not to holidayish just yet, I have my JLPT coming up. Yesterday I managed to spend several hours in a coffeeshop just reading and drawing for the first time in 2011! Hope you are all enjoying your day.

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  1. Samhain Moon says:

    That Tosho card is LOVELY!!

    So, I haven’t had the chance to ask you before… How did you get to live in Tokyo??

    What do you do there??


    Cheers, it looks like you’re in a wonderful place!!

    • Sushi Bird says:

      Now the Tosho-card is traded in for books! To be honest, it is quite random that I am in Tokyo. I didn’t get interested in Japan until I was about 18 years old, and I have never been into anime or manga or anything like that. I do love the language, and I have been going to a language school here for a year. It sounds kind of silly, but Tokyo is the first place where I have felt “at home” in my life.

      • Samhain Moon says:

        I understand, because I do not like manga either. I am in love with the culture in itself, the fashion, the discipline, and the regard for rituals and manners. I love that everything is pretty in Tokyo!!

        You know, Tokyo is the only place I have ever felt at home at. I spent two weeks there in September of 2010, and I long to go back ever since!

        Congratulations to living your dream life! (Well, at least in such a gorgeous city!)

        • Sushi Bird says:

          I think we are pretty much on the same page. I love the culture, the shrines and the temples, the food(!), their manners, the fact that nobody bothers you, the amazing service (even though there is no tip), how everyone can do things alone and nobody thinks it is strange (like eat alone, go to a cafe alone, even go to movies and bars alone), and not to mention how safe this city is. I am not sure if a congratulation is in order – once I had taken the jump I realize that most people _can_ – if they just want to. I was just too afraid in the past to dare to jump into something new, but now I am really happy I did.

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