+ goodie bag – cilantro
Sep 14, 2011 by Sushi Bird
The difference between being a student now and earlier? A prominent difference has been the increase in the size of the goodie bag. I remember the day, many moons ago, when I was offered a paper diary filled with commercials, a sanitary pad and a pack of noodles, I politely said thank you, but no thank you. But this year, oh boy, look at what was in the bag this year! Real products. I never cared about free handouts, because I figure there is no such thing as a free lunch, but I actually got excited about the amount of things they had stacked in this bag. I can not remember the last time I ate chocolate, but yesterday I finally did eat a piece. And it actually wasn’t too bad.
asdjhf; completely unrelated. I wanted to make sashimi for dinner, but I went to three (THREE, 3) grocery stores without finding cilantro (koriander?). I need it for the sauce. Where can I buy cilantro? I need the fresh kind. Cilantro isn’t that common in Tokyo, but I thought it was used pretty regularly in Norway? I feel like I have seen cilantro plants around, but I can not remember where. If I wasn’t such a klutz with plants, I would make a herb garden in my window. Sigh.
Global food, asiatisk matbutikk som ligger i vestre strømkaien (rett ved bystasjonen), har nesten alltid koriander. Ellers er ofte Meny en plass å lete.
Tusen takk for tips! Jeg fant til slutt, men må komme meg til global food uansett, har hørt flere som har snakket om den butikken 🙂
Yes, Global Food! Eller Lien i Marken, den på Vektertorget eller den ytterst i Gågaten. F.eks.
Tusen takk! Jeg fant til slutt, men måtte innom fire steder.
Å, studentposen! I år var den faktisk veldig bra. ^^
Ja, faktisk. Jeg ble overrasket! Verdien på innholdet ble jo faktisk noen kroner altså.
Studentposen var super i år ja! Fikk to jeg så nå har jeg hele skapet fullt av sjokolade ^^,
Koriander pleier de å ha på meny, men den er visst gått lit ut av sesong nå så den er blitt vanskeligere å finne 🙁
Ett lite tips hvis du finner den og ikke bruker opp alt er å fryse ned resten! Da har du frisk koriander lett tilgjengelig i frysen 🙂
Tusen takk skal du ha! Jeg aner ikke hva det er med meg og det å fryse ting, men jeg er skikkelig iffen på å fryse ting. Jeg vet jo at man kan fryse både brød og grønnsaker, men jeg er nok litt bortskjemt der og liker å ha det ferskt. Skal skjerpe meg, lover!
beautiful post!
Aw, thanks. I wish I could produce posts like yours, but these days it seems like time is not on my side. One day I will have you teach me your Jedi-tricks about productivity.
I never heard about “goodie bags” for student. what are they?
It is basically free stuff that is given out at the start of every school year to students. I assume it is for the commercial value, a lot of pamphlets and coupons for restaurants and such are also included 🙂
It’s a nice way to welcome a new school year, there is not such a thing in Italy, at the start of school year they give you nothing.
That is a shame. I should mention though – it is not the school that gives you anything, it is just various shops that have gotten together about a little care package. I am sure they do it for free advertisement, but hey, I am not complaining, I got free chocolate!
there is also a new “asian” food shop on Gågaten just passed dromedar on your right..
check it
Thank you! Will do!