Mr. Krinkle & Sushi
Jun 4, 2012 by Sushi Bird
These two guys are the family cats. The black one is called Mr. Krinkle (or well, Pinkel, as my mom likes to call him) and he had dressed up in fancy attire to celebrate the 17th of May. The multicolored one is the new little girl, I decided to name her Sushi.
Mr. Krinkle is quite crabby at times, but still very cuddly when he feels like it. Sushi likes relaxing, so I often find her laying on her back like in the picture below.
hei og tusen takk for det! du kan også følge bloggen på facebook
pst! så søte katter de har!
Takk skal du ha! De er ikke mine, men jeg var på besøk hos familien