I met Tokyo Kitsune
Jul 21, 2012 by Sushi Bird
And it was super nice! She has a really nice blog as well, you can visit it here. And I finally got to take purikura pictures for the first time in a long time. It is kind of a guilty pleasure for me, as I rarely visit Harajuku, and even more rarely actually step into the purikura-machines.
In other news it totally cooled down and it is not half as hot as it was earlier this week. In fact, the weather feels more like April/May now than July, but I figure it is nice to get a small break from the incredibly hot Japanese summer weather. Apart from hanging out with Emelie, all I have done this week is work, play scrabble (I actually won one time!), gone for little walks and eaten lots of food. I like calm days and routine. Another thing that I never thought I would like is to get up earlier in the morning, but right now I am loving an hour or two in front of the computer with coffee and Japanese renshuu before I start my day for real.
And I removed the sidebar from my blog. I am not sure how I feel about it. Yay? Nay? Should I bring it back?
I think your sidebar in combination with your top menu maybe was too much information for someone to handle. I like it better now, it is more simply and easy for someone (me) to navigate. :p
Thank you for the feedback, and I completely agree. I figured – I look at the website whenever I update so for me it wasn’t that bad, but for other people it already looks like a crazy explosion went off in the top banner, so it was not the easiest thing to navigate. When I made this blog I really wanted to go for more is more, but that is still no excuse for making it hard to navigate. the content has more space now. My only excuse for not doing this sooner was that I just didn’t know where to put all the stuff in the sidebar if I removed it, but now I realize that most of the stuff wasn’t needed anyway. I can always put in more information at the bottom if I absolutely need it.
As a user I won’t find it a bad idea if you put a new tab on the main menu under the name e.g. “info” or “links” where you will put all the previous content from the sidebar.
Also I wanted to ask smth. On my browser’s tab for your blog I see a small cute bird icon. Is this a setting your theme offers you, because I want to copycat it and have my icon too. 😛
Så søte purikura-bilder! Får så lyst til å reise til Japan når jeg leser bloggen din 🙂
Yaaay! 😀
vad kul att du la upp våra bilder! 🙂 jag ska skriva om vår dag så fort jag är klar med mitt midtermtest 🙂
ha det så bra!!
Det beste er jo å ha god tid om morgen. I hvert fall når man ikke er vant til det – luksus! Husker at jeg stod opp kl. 6 de to siste ukene i juleferien en gang. Fikk unna alt jeg følte for av tilfeldig nettsurfing innen kl. 8-9. Vanligvis spiser det mye av dagen min, men ikke da.