
I don’t splurge often. I am pretty good at not spending money, but before I left Tokyo in August, I had decided to buy myself a small mac (an 11″ air which I have named “Happy Meal”) so I wouldn’t ruin my shoulders carrying the bigger one (called “Big Mac”) to classes every day. When I got to the Apple store, this handbag from Michael Kors caught my eye. It was love at first sight. I don’t buy a lot of brand stuff just because it is brand stuff, but this bag just screamed out to me. I justified it for myself by thinking that well… it IS a laptop-bag, because it DOES have a laptop compartment inside of it. And hey, since I already was in such a great splurging mode, I bought myself a little treat in the white bag to make my day complete.

And then I went home, and opened up the box. The smell of a new mac…. aaaahhh! One of my favorite things in this world.

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  1. Dulce says:

    that bag is beautiful!

  2. Angela says:

    One of mine as well! 😀

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