everyday I'm shufflin'
Jul 18, 2013 by Sushi Bird
The worst day of the week filled with countless exams is over, and I am still alive. Funny how that works. A lot of things seems less important once they are over. Three more exams left to go. Two more days. The end is in sight.
I was contemplating staying up all night to study, but I just don’t have that much more to give right now. I took a deep breath, reminded myself what a good night’s sleep can do, and just went all 80/20 on myself. 80% of the work takes 20% of the time. The last 20% of the work takes 80% of the time. I choose sleep, and I choose to have a life. I am going into that exam room tomorrow with a smile on my face. Good night.
Lovely new design of Sushibird!
I just changed the design of my blog as well, it seems like a coincident.
And it makes me being a happy monster
Thank you! I love the new design of your site. I hope I can see you soon..?! My last day this semester is tomorrow 🙂