
I recently bought a qulling paper craft kit, and I am having a lot of fun twirling and gluing the paper strips together. The only thing is that I can not quite figure out what to use them for. I would love to make some beautiful paper necklaces, but I am not sure how to make them strong enough to wear day after day. Some kind of spray? If anyone else have ever done this sort of craft, I would love to see what you have made with it.

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  1. Sophie says:

    I love how the color of the paper is so vibrant. I would love to try this type of craft I wonder if you can use just about any type of paper or if it has to be a special kind.

    They would make lovely necklaces or maybe just decorations that you can hang on the wall. =)

    • Sushi Bird says:

      I am pretty sure you can use all kinds of papers as long as it is colored all the way though, and not just on the surface. I wish I could find a spray to make them more durable as necklaces, I will have to look into that.

  2. Emelie says:

    Vad fint! ♥ önskar jag kunde vara lika kreativ 😀

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