My 2010 – April

In April there was hanami. The cherry blossom trees were absolutely stunning, and I was walking around in a pink daze trying to take pictures of them all. Everywhere I went, it seemed like there was an even prettier tree with even more petals than the ones I had photographed already.

Hanami only lasts for a short time, and soon the ground was covered in petals.

And all the other flowers were really blossoming as well.

I never knew how many different kinds of cherry trees there were.

I found small temples and shrines and took pictures of the statues and flowers there as well. Tokyo is so busy, and then you enter through these gates, and all of a sudden everything goes quiet and peaceful.

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  1. Gitte says:

    Å, kirsebærtrær er så utrolig vakkert! ♥

    • Sushi Bird says:

      Ja, det er sikkert en av de aller fineste tingene jeg har sett i år. Tusen takk for kommentaren, det er kjekt å få første dagen jeg har startet ny blogg.

  2. Deadzie says:

    I love your photos of the cherry blossom trees.
    Such beautiful scenery!

  3. […] posted some of the pictures of last year’s hanami in my summary post for april 2010 but I did not post all of them, so here they are. I can not wait for hanami this year. Two months, […]

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