Apr 16, 2013 by Sushi Bird

Hei, her er jeg. Eller, her er en veldig travel versjon av meg. Jeg har en bacheloroppgave som skal skrives på norsk, om japanske ord, og alle kildene mine er på engelsk. Og språket bare… forsvinner. Verken japansk, norsk eller engelsk fungerer optimalt. Hva søren var det consonant cluster het på norsk igjen? Og loanshift? Og loanblend? Hvordan forklarer jeg hva en mora er uten å bruke mer enn 100 norske ord? Jeg blir matt, jeg tar meg småpauser, jeg skummer gjennom bloggposter som jeg ikke rekker å kommentere, alle fra fine folk, og kjenner jeg blir grønn av misunnelse når fine folk skriver om søndager som går sakte med egg og bacon på frokostbordet som er pent dekket på med obligatoriske blomstervaser og sølvbestikk. Jeg leser at de spør om råd om hva de kan finne på på en fredagskveld de ikke har blitt invitert på fest og sitter hjemme. De skriver at de kjeder seg. Jeg vil også kjede meg. Dagen i går bestod av skole 08-19, jobb 20-23, og lekser som ikke kan utsettes lenger fra 23-01. Klokken 01 følger 10 minutter med dårlig samvittighet for husarbeidet som ikke ble gjort, og 2 minutters stillhet for bacheloroppgaven som ikke skrev seg selv i dag heller. Så søvn, delete and repeat, i morgen blir som i dag som ble som i går.
Apr 16, 2013 by Sushi Bird

I finally finished my Moleskine notebook in March. This has been the absolute hardest book to fill up (2 years and 3 months for ONE book, seriously?!), mainly because life is busy and drawing – ain’t nobody got time for that. Click the picture to go to the gallery – it contains tons of pictures.
Apr 16, 2013 by Sushi Bird

Things have been so busy, I never even mentioned I went on a tiny Eurotrip back in February. We managed to stop by Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia.

The biggest medium sized coffee in Europe // Fried cheese on the streets of Prague

Room service // Yogurt for breakfast

I thought I saw Lena (who won Eurovision back in 2010), but I doubt it was her. In any case, I found her doppelganger! // Clock in the old town square in Prague

Various food in Krakow, Poland.

Burlesque bar in Krakow // Omiyage in Prague

Walking the streets of Stare Mesto in Prague // More coffee in Krakow

Czech food! Meatloaf, chicken and bread dumplings.

Old town square with the gothic church in Prague

And even more food. *sigh* This blog is slowly turning into a what-I-ate-today-journal.

Apr 16, 2013 by Sushi Bird

// some forgotten pictures from February. New cheap nail polish, Sushi the cat trying to charm you and some fake cherry blossoms on the drawer.
Apr 13, 2013 by Sushi Bird

I missed this place. // forgotten pictures from January
Apr 11, 2013 by Sushi Bird

Drinking nihonshu at Suzuden in Yotsuya // Almost empty room in Norway with lots of sticky notes

Kaiten sushi serving both sushi and fries in Hakusan

Even more soup and noodles in Hakusan

Sushi in Nishi-Shinjuku, the sets were very cheap, under 1000 yen for decent quality sushi

Buri and other goodies in Nishi-Shinjuku

Excellent sashimi in Higashi-Nakano

Panini at Don Pippo and chocolate cake at Kaffemisjonen, both in Bergen, Norway
Apr 11, 2013 by Sushi Bird

Lots of things happened back in January, I took the Keio line in Tokyo to meet friends around Yoyogi / Shibuya

Fuglen, the Norwegian cafe in Shibuya // Kumamon, the mascot for Kumamotos prefecture

Yakiniku // When it snowed in January in Tokyo, all the shop owners in my neighborhood built snowmen

Welcome-back-to-Tokyo-gift from K // Snails at a restaurant

Inemankai – sake made from red rice (found at Jacob’s in Bergen, Norway) // Norwegian style kimchi

Belated Christmas presents

Probably the most important quote of the year for me // Shoes getting ruined from salt and sand in January