May 30, 2013 by Sushi Bird
May 30, 2013 by Sushi Bird

(Some pictures taken from the Mori Art Center in Roppongi.)
May 30, 2013 by Sushi Bird

I have always loved kaleidoscopes ever since I was a kid, so I was really happy when I stumbled over the Kaleida Cam app. I have been sitting around giggling and making neat patterns out of my iPhone pictures. (And I obviously don’t need to say this, but there is no sponsoring on this blog, I just write about stuff I like.)
May 30, 2013 by Sushi Bird

Long time, no see for writing about the things I love, but good links have been piling up, and here is some of the things I found on the internet lately that caught my attention:
- This webpage shows all the trains in Tokyo in REAL TIME! How awesome is that. All the cute little trains are chuu-chuu-ing around Tokyo on this map. I probably stared at this for way too long trying to figure out how many different trains the Yamanote-line actually have.
- O-M-G. Totoro Nail Polish is awesome because…. TOTORO NAIL POLISH!!!!111one!
- “Den lesbiske håndboken” har oppsummert alle reglene i som florerer i lesbemiljøet som jeg absolutt ikke var klar over eksisterte. Fnis.
- The Useless Web will take you to a useless website.
- is a great resource for learning how to cook Japanese dishes. If I only could stand the thought of cooking, I would try some of these delicious recipes out.
- gives you… an emergency compliment just when you need it. I was told that my sneezes sounded like angels giggling.
- Head over to to take some cute old-fashioned photo-booth pictures with a French twist.
- The Power of Five Minutes: The Condensed Version – The benefits of taking five minutes each day to do part of your dreams
- The guy that made behavioral economics fun and one of my favorite popular scientists, Dan Ariely writes about “Why wearing fakes makes us cheat more“. Well worth a read.
- Jack Cheng writes about The Slow Web.

May 29, 2013 by Sushi Bird
May 28, 2013 by Sushi Bird
May 28, 2013 by Sushi Bird

I saw these charming signs a couple of months back. Almost as good as the shop with the pictures of some lilly-flowers with the text RIRIS in big, bold letters. Gotta love signs in Japan, they cheer you up when you are stresset out and rushing through town to make it in time for your next appointment.

May 28, 2013 by Sushi Bird
May 27, 2013 by Sushi Bird
May 27, 2013 by Sushi Bird