Top 20!
May 31, 2011 by Sushi Bird
I made it into the top 20 of the kanji competition! Here is a silly picture of the people in the top 20 who got a diploma. Next to me in a beige jacket is the principal. If there would have been more time, I would have done even slightly a bit better, but I am actually kind of proud to make it to the top 20 at all! Who would have thought!
Thank you! 😀
Så morsomt! Gratulerer så mye! : D
Tusen takk skal du ha 😀 Jeg hadde faktisk ikke forventet å at det gikk så bra som det gjorde.
Gratulerer! Veldig bra! Flott gjort 🙂
Tusen takk skal du ha!
Never doubted that you would do great, but a congratulation is still in it’s place. CONGRATULATIONS! 😀
Thank you! Seriously though, I didn’t expect to get in the top 20 at all. 🙂
Let’s celebrate with cake! 😉
That sounds absolutely awesome, apart from the cake part! Can I trade the cake for sushi?
stolt besteveninne!
Tusen takk vennen min! 😀 Og hurra! Din første kommentar, den har jeg ventet på 😉
Hurra! o/
Ja! Nå blir det sushi for alle penga!