Make something beautiful every day 23/365
Sep 19, 2011 by Sushi Bird
I haven’t drawn anything in ages, because well, I can not bring myself to sit down and just doodle when I have a million other more important things to do, but here is a small one for now.
Hi Sushibird,
Its been a while since we have talked, so I thought I’d drop by and say hello. This drawing is very fun! The dotted glase on the donuts looks so very yummy for a drawing…
I have been busy too. Over the past few weeks I have been saving up to move out of Puerto Rico. Tomorrow it will be one year since I first went to Japan, and I miss it terribly over there!
I hope you are enjoying your time!
Hi! How great to hear from you! I hope your moving plans will go ok, where are you planning on heading? I have only been out of Japan for 6 weeks, but I am already missing it. I shouldn’t complain, I am going back in another 12 weeks or so, but right now I could kill for some cheap sushi in the rain here.
Åh, kjempefint!
Takk! Det blir litt lite tid nå, men jeg prøver å presse inn littegranne kosetid i ny og ne til å tegne og ta bilder. Vi får se hvordan det går videre…
Heihei! Du har ikke en glimrende nettside hvor man kan få tak i en bentoboks? Jeg kunne tenkt meg en rimelig stor en hvor jeg får plass til en hel lunsj. Send gjerne epost hvis du har noen tips:)
Jeg skulle ønske jeg hadde noen gode tips, men siden jeg ofte er i Japan så handler jeg ikke så mye japanske ting på nettet. Kanskje de vet om et bra sted på ? Det virker som det er mange folk der som har god oversikt over nettbutikker på det forumet.
ohh this is so pretty and looks so tasty too!
Thank you 🙂