
You guys have to see this amazing water clock at Osaka station! It is absolutely gorgeous. I want to go there and see it myself after new years, absolutely wonderful!

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  1. I am going to Osaka next month! Hopefully, I will be able to find this water fountain clock! Thanks for the post!


    • Sushi Bird says:

      Oh, I’ll keep check on your blog! How far is Nagoya from Osaka really? I am guessing it is not that far with Shinkansen. I have actually never been to Nagoya, but I want to go there after christmas. Hopefully I will finally have time to travel a bit more in Japan, I want to go to both Nagoya, Osaka, Kyoto and Nara, but I am not sure I will be able to see all places at once… But I figure – if I go by Shinkansen, it is all kind of on the way, so hopefully I can see all four places 🙂

  2. Sophie says:

    Wow! I wonder how they did that. Thanks for sharing. <3

    • Sushi Bird says:

      I have no idea, but the end result was just stunning. I hope I can see it myself after christmas when I am back in Japan 🙂

  3. Nøve says:

    Herlighet, ekstremt imponerende! Wow.

  4. Nadia says:

    I’m impressed! It’s such an original idea:D

  5. jessica says:

    wow that clock is so cool!

  6. Ally says:

    We’ll go when you get back! A sightseeing/food tour of all those places; and doable on a long-weekend. Nara and Kyoto are each about 30 minutes away from Osaka, then stop in Nagoya on the way back.

  7. Marte says:

    Jeg har jo vært der! Men det der så jeg aldri! Utrolig kult. 😀

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