Feeding my inner nerd;ferrofluid sculptures and milk magic
Oct 18, 2011 by Sushi Bird
Why have I never heard about ferrofluid before? I’m in love and now I want one of these sculptures. “A magnetic liquid or ferrofluid is a colloidal mixture of magnetic particles (~10 nm in diameter) in a liquid carrier. Ferrofluids can be suspended in water or in an organic fluid. When no external magnetic field is present the fluid is not magnetic and the orientation of the magnetite particles is random. However, when an external magnetic field is applied, the magnetic moments of the particles align with the magnetic field lines. When the magnetic field is removed, the particles return to random alignment. These properties can be used to make a liquid that changes its density depending on the strength of the magnetic field and that can form fantastic shapes.”
I know I should have gone to bed when I either go on random Wikipedia-binges or find very amusing, but somewhat pointless home-science-experiment-videos on youtube. I don’t have milk nor food coloring in my house, but if I did, I would probably ruin a gallon of milk in pure excitement. Maybe it would be possible to photograph everything from above and create some nice textures for backgrounds.
Så gøy! Takk for tipset 🙂
Sant? Jeg vil lage melketull også nå! Fiiint.
Hvor gammel var du da du flytta til Japan?
Da jeg flytta for godt var jeg vel… 24? Men det var mange folk der som var yngre enn meg altså. Jeg tror det lureste er å være over 20 år, siden 20 år er myndighetsgrensen i Japan, og ting er enklere dersom du er regnet som voksen. Litt kjekt å faktisk kjøpe din egen alkohol og kunne skrive under papirer og sånn uten å ha verges tillatelse. Jeg vet at det var noen 19 år gamle jenter som synes det var litt kjipt at de ikke var 20 – de var jo regnet som voksne der de kom fra (Sverige), men ble plutselig barn igjen i Japan.