Celebration time!
Dec 22, 2011 by Sushi Bird
And then! Finally! Exams were all over, and so was my birthday, and I finally had time to celebrate. Which I totally did. Norwegian style (meaning consuming a substantial amount of alcohol beverages in a relative short amount of time). I had awesome food from here and here, and great wine recommendations from this guy, not to mention great company courtesy of this girl. All worth the wait, and a wonderful way to end a semester in Norway. (The fact that I was still in a way to happy mood jumping on the airplane next morning was proof that I had a grand time )
happy birthday and congrats on your exams finishing!!
Thank you so much! It feels wonderful to be done with it all, birthday included
Høres herlig ut!
Det var helt fantastisk deilig å endelig kunne puste ut
Nå må jeg bare vente på siste resten av karakterene som kommer i slutten av januar 
Akk, jeg savner deg allerede!
Vennen min! Håper vi kan snakkes på skype! Og at du har hatt en nydelig vidunderlig jul! Takk for en herlig kveld, perfekt avslutning på norgesoppholdet!