Moleskine notebooks

0906-1012 Hello Tokyo

0810-0906 Prgrss

0807-0810 Quest 38

0804-0807 Graphique

0708-0804 The turning point

I added my Moleskine notebooks to separate pages here on If you click the images below you will be taken to each of the respective journals. There were simply too many images to add them all in blog posts, and I wanted to keep track of the journals in another way. I love the feel of the pen against the paper in these notebooks. Some of them took a couple of months to fill out, the last one took me 1.5 years, I’ve had too much to do and to little time to sit down and doodle. If anyone else is keeping paper journals or knows of any inspiring paper journals I would love to hear about them. ♥

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  1. Benedicte says:

    You’re so talented. I shall now show you how my house look with the artwork you sent me a couple of years ago. I have two in my livingroom, and two in the bedroom. They’re some of my favorite artwork.

    • Sushi Bird says:

      I would absolutely love to see more of your apartment and your surroundings – it looks like it can go directly into a magazine. I wish I had a living space like that.

  2. Kathleen says:

    Love Moleskinebooks. Though, I just write in them.

    • Sushi Bird says:

      I wish I was better at writing! Moleskine books are magical. I wonder what they put in the paper to make them so attractive. I could never fill a journal to the last page before I started with Moleskine.

  3. Veronica says:

    You are insanely talented! You inspire me to draw more 😀

  4. Gitte says:

    Wow, these are amazingly brilliant! So many pretty details! : D
    Sometimes I wish I was more creative and artistic, but I guess my strengths always will be within mathematics and science. Not that mathematics can’t be creative, but not quite in the same way. Maybe mathematical doodling ( is the solution?

    • Sushi Bird says:

      Thank you for showing me those videos – they are really entertaining! I just got a spirograph for christmas – I think you could absolutely combine some of the doodles in the video with a spirograph and have more than enough designs to fill an entire journal. Some of the most creative people I know loves science and math, and I am often amazed with all the great ideas they come up with.

      • Gitte says:

        Så bra du likte dem!

        Sant nok – hvem sier at man ikke kan være begge deler? Jeg tror jeg, i likhet med mange andre, tenker på kreativ som noe man bare er – ikke en egenskap som kan trenes opp. For det er fullt mulig å lære seg kreativitet i likhet med alt annet, vil jeg tro. Øvelse og inspirasjon – man får i hvert fall massevis av inspirasjon her inne! : )

        (Det ble litt rart å skrive på engelsk så jeg hoppet over til norsk.)

        • Sushi Bird says:

          Norsk går fint for meg å lese – men jeg synes fremdeles det er litt rart å skrive norsk på det store internett! Jeg har hatt egne nettsider i 10 år – og aldri har jeg forsøkt å skrive på norsk – eller i det hele tatt si til noen at jeg kan norsk. Men nå synes jeg faktisk at det er hyggelig når noen skriver til meg på andre språk enn engelsk – så lenge jeg forstår. Jeg håper med tiden at jeg kanskje kan poste noe på både norsk og japansk på bloggen her – men akkurat nå kjennes alt trygt og godt på engelsk.

          Og jeg er enig med deg – øvelse kombinert med inspirasjon tror jeg kan ta folk utrolig langt!

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