Mar 11, 2011 by Sushi Bird
There has been a huge earthquake here today. I believe it was 8.8? First of all, I am ok, and everyone I know is ok.
I was at school when it happened. At first when it started both my classmates and me thought it was just good fun. A lot of smaller quakes happen here all the time, so we did not think much of it. However, the quake did not stop, and it just became stronger and stronger, so we followed procedure, opened the windows and went to stand in the doorway and hid under our desks. And the earthquake just continued and continued for several minutes. We have 避難訓練 (Earthquake drill) once every third month, so at least we knew what we had to do and what not to do. Go away from the windows, make sure you are not next to anything that can fall, hide under your desk so you will not get the lamps and roof falling on your head. All that jazz. We then went to be evacuated at a primary school nearby, but it smelled of gas around the school, so we went to Waseda University instead. Everyone was acting calm and everything worked out ok, but this was the first time I have felt truly scared when an earthquake happened here. They are so usual that nobody even reacted when it first started. When we were walking out of our classroom, a wall with mirrors broke right next to my classmates. Everything was shaking and falling down everywhere. When I finally got back to the apartment, there was a lot of broken glass everywhere, but all the important things (Macbook + cameras) are ok. About the tsunami, I am not scared for me personally, because I do not live on the coast, but I am following the updates on the news, and everything just seems a bit unreal at the moment. I am following the NHK news right now, and I hope things will calm down and the worst is over.
But the important part: I am ok. Everyone I know here is ok.
Godt å høre alt er bra! Fikk helt sjokk når jeg så bildene på nett – for noen krefter!
Må ha vært en skummel opplevelse!
Det var skummelt når det stod på, men jeg er bare glad for at alt gikk så bra som det gikk i Tokyo.
Bra du er trygg! Jeg er helt i sjokk, har sett på BBC siden jeg stod opp i 8-tiden.
Det virker jo som om det er helt galehus, men alt er fint i Tokyo.
So glad to hear you’re ok <3 (this is jaffapie from livejournal, I bookmarked your blog since I've stopped using LJ)
Hi! How great to hear from you again. I am not really using LJ either, apart from checking up on some of my favorite bloggers over there.
Take care!
They are talking about Japan on TV since I came back home, few hours ago. A lot of tragic scenes are shown. It’s so good to hear that you are ok
Almost everyone in Tokyo are ok. I worry far more for all the people who experienced the tsunami.
I am relived to hear that you are ok; I was thinking of you this morning when I woke and turned on CNN.
Thank you for caring. Everything is ok in Tokyo.
Ah, glad you’re okay – and your loved ones too. ^_^
Stay safe!
Everyone I know in Tokyo are perfectly fine, thank you for caring
Så godt å høre at det gikk bra med dere. Jeg har fulgt med på nyhetene så ofte som mulig på jobb i dag. Det er så fælt å sitte her i trygge Norge, mens det er skikkelig krise i Japan..
Det er klart det er krise i Japan, men alle jeg kjenner i Tokyo har det helt fint. Jeg tør dog ikke tenke på hvordan menneskene som er nær de tsunami-rammede områdene har det akkurat nå.
Oh dear so happy to read that you are ok, i came to your page to send you a msg asking you if you were ok,so sorry for this tragedy but happy that you are ok
Everyone I know in Tokyo are also ok. My heart goes out to those affected by the tsunami.
Jeg er så glad du er ok! Kan knapt forestille meg hvordan det må være å oppleve jordskjelv …
Det er en skikkelig merkelig følelse. Det er hele tiden mange små skjelv her, så jeg tenkte ikke over det da det først begynte å riste. Da det ble kraftigere lurte jeg på om bygningen kom til å holde, og forsøkte å forsikre meg selv om at bygninger i Japan er bygget nettopp for å stå imot slike jordskjelv. Men det er merkelig når selve grunnen du står på ikke holder deg oppe, det er ingen steder å løpe til, du må nesten bare sette deg under bordet og håpe at det går bra. Og det gjorde det for min del, og for alle andre jeg kjenner i Tokyo.
I’m so happy you’re okay!
All is well in Tokyo!
Godt at du har det bra.
Takk skal du ha
Alt er fint.
Så deilig å høre at du har det bra! Jeg kan ikke forestille meg hvordan det må være å oppleve det på nært hold.
Alt er bare fint med meg. Det var så klart skummelt når alt stod på, men nå etterpå har alt gått fint og rolig for seg.