Things I love Thursday
Jun 3, 2011 by Sushi Bird
- The fact that I have gotten the opportunity to live in Tokyo, meet amazing people and broaden my horizon.
- Impromptu sushi take-away on rainy evenings.
- Black coffee and time to waste on the internet.
- My mother, who always tried as good as she could. The outcome wasn’t always perfect, but I know she did her best. Thank you mom! ♥
- Making zines!!! I just added a new page here on with a couple of booklets and zines I have made in the past. The page is here:
- Skype calls from my friends! Hi Kristin, Joseph and Madeleine!
- Inspiration from the internet. Lately here, here and here.
- Actually feeling passionate about something half political. This hasn’t happened in forever, but I read this article, and I actually felt annoyed and upset with the content of it. Which is a good thing, at least it managed to stir up something in me. I even wrote a commentary against this article, but I am not sure I would dare to send it to the newspaper after all. I then read this response to the first article, and felt better about the whole thing.
- Small earthquakes because they make my head stop spinning, for a while I am just standing and holding my breath, in complete concentration to see if they get bigger and scarier or not. Earthquakes (the ones that does not escalate) feels like a wonderful exercise in emptying your head for thoughts.
- Shopping for hair-clips and accessories. I don’t do it very often anymore, but I love how you don’t have to stand in a sweaty dressing room to see if a hair-clip looks cute or not.
- Budgies. Budgies budgies budgies. They are small and playful and fluffy and cute, and they bring out my girly side. Other girls might go “aww” when they see a baby, I go “aww” when I see a budgie. I miss having one of them sitting on my pencil and help me with both homework and illustrations.
Hiya, jumped over from Gala Darling`s TILT: Noticed your blog name and had to check it out. Great name!
I am also in Japan (From Australia originally)- lovely to *meet* you -followed you on twitter as well (sakuralulu)
Love the graphics on your header image- you are super talented! I can`t draw to save my life (literally- I drew a kangaroo for my old preschool class and they though it was a dinosaur!)
Have a great weekend! Noticed “Nakano” in your tag cloud! I used to live in Nakano- and before that in Kichijoji!
Hi! How nice to meet you! I read your about page! Apart from Narita and Disneyland, I have not been much to Chiba, but it seems like a nice place, maybe a bit more laid back than Tokyo? I love Nakano, it is a nice place to live, my by heart will always be in Shinjuku-ku! It made me happy to read about your life, sometimes I wish I could practice more Japanese in everyday life, outside of classes and school. I am still looking for that magical key to Japanese, where you all of a sudden just “get it”, you know?
Those photos are suuuper pretty
Thank you so much!
I wish I had chilled with you when I went to Tokyo last summer.. now I know Japanese, and I don’t even have the funds to visit you. We should totally be penpals :p
It was a shame that I couldn’t say hello to you last summer! But I am sure that since you have an interest in Japan, you will be back, right? right?
And yes, I miss the good old days of penpals, I wish I was better with keeping in touch with people and actually send mail on a regular basis.
Hi! I just happened to come across your blog and couldn’t resist taking a peek! I really like what you did with your photo here! I am also currently living in Japan, although I am in Nagoya! I moved from Seattle, WA. USA back in September. I started my blog around that time since I didn’t have a job when I first moved here…I was bored. Now, I try to find time to blog about anything that I find interesting. Let me know what you think!
P.S. love the design of your blog!
Oh! How nice to hear from you! I absolutely love the food posts on your blog, now I want to visit Nagoya! The potato-dish you posted a while ago looks so yummy!
& thanks for the kind words ♥