If you don’t have time to do it right,when will you have time to do it over?
Aug 19, 2011 by Sushi Bird
Sometimes I forget that the people who read this blog can not read my mind, and I just assume that I everybody know what I am doing and thinking. I realize this is not the case, sorry for not including personal tidbits! I got a couple of questions about where I am right now and if I am leaving Japan and etc, and the answer is that right now I am in Norway (anybody else in Bergen atm?), not sure how long I am staying in total, but right now I am thinking until mid-December. I already have my return ticket bought and stored safely, so I will be back in Japan in a couple of months. It isn’t the easiest thing in the world to be so far away from the city you love and your friends, not to mention that one very special person in your life, but if it is one thing Japan has taught me – it is the virtue of doing what you are suppose to do, take pride in what you are doing, and to do whatever you are doing excellent. Which is what I am planning to do. (1. This sounded really snotty. It wasn’t meant snotty. 2. Now I want to insert bad jokes about how I am not returning to B-sia, I am returning to A-sia. I realize this is not very funny.) And I know that if I fill my days with all the things I am suppose to do, time will pass a lot faster than sitting around moping wishing I was somewhere else already.
Eg er i Bergen! =)
Si hei om du ser meg 
I’m in Bergen!
Awesome, let’s grab coffee
Nettopp kommet tilbake til Bergen – vink om du ser meg!
Will do & det samme til deg! Jeg stirrer nok mest ned i bakken i dette “nydelige” været så ikke mascaraen skal renne