
Just had to show of these pretty Japanese ukiyo-e (woodblock prints). These gorgeous prints (and many more) are available to download and distribute in big sizes from this nice webpage.

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  1. Marie says:

    Beautiful! I love drawings like these.

    • Sushi Bird says:

      Aren’t they nice? I wish I knew how to make woodblock prints. I went to a museum to see how it was done at one time, and it seems like a real tedious process. When I get retired and have free time, I’ll sign up for both this and ikebana 😉

  2. シャネット says:

    Wow! ~ Nydelige. Kunne tenkt meg å dekorert veggene rommet mitt med disse.

    • Sushi Bird says:

      Sant? Nå må jeg bare finne en printer. Eller tar filene til en fotobutikk. De var jo gratis å både bruke og spre, så…

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