Japanese sidewalk garden
Dec 31, 2011 by Sushi Bird
When I get old, I think this is a much better solution than a full garden. I should get myself one of these.
Dec 31, 2011 by Sushi Bird
When I get old, I think this is a much better solution than a full garden. I should get myself one of these.
Dec 31, 2011 by Sushi Bird
I did something yesterday I had been thinking about doing for quite a while – selling of two of my lenses, and investing in a new one. It is hard justifying spending a lot of money on camera equipment these days, but it is also hard justifying keeping lenses that does not work. So, I took a deep breath and went to the camera store, and before I knew it, two of my babies were gone, hopefully they will find better homes elsewhere, and I went on my merry way with a new lens better suited for my needs.
The lens I bought is a new 1.8 Nikkor lens, and it works wonders in low light, so now I am running out of excuses to not take pictures in dark places.
Dec 31, 2011 by Sushi Bird
We went here the other day. Nakano is always super cute, and we found a really nice and cheap Chinese restaurant.
And then we went here:
Why can’t real bowling be more like Wii bowling? Needless to say, I lost, but had fun nonetheless. I am sure the picture below had something to do with that.
Dec 29, 2011 by Sushi Bird
One of my favorite things to do in Tokyo is to just walk in any random direction and see where I end up. All of these are from somewhere around Yoyogi/Sendagaya, although I am not sure to be honest. I kind of got pleasantly lost there for a little while. I found a temple, a some cute tiny shops and a building named Park Pigeon. When I grow up and name buildings myself I will name them things like Park Pigeon. Made me chuckle.
Dec 29, 2011 by Sushi Bird
Celebrating Christmas Japan-style! Not a piece of ribbekjøtt in sight, but quite nice nevertheless.
Dec 29, 2011 by Sushi Bird
We just watched this curled up in bed the other evening, perfect way to spend the Christmas season. I loved all the details in their little house, how they used stamps for pictures on the wall and a wristwatch as a wall clock. If you have some time to kill this season, go check it out, I think it will be in Norwegian movie theaters right around now.
Dec 28, 2011 by Sushi Bird
Ahh, tumblr has so many gorgeous themes, I just updated my two tumblrs with new pretty suits. (You can click the pictures above to visit them.) They are so pretty I almost want to use it as my main blogging platform (apart from the fact that it lacks stuff in other areas which would drive me crazy). I wish there was blogging platforms like this 11 years ago when I didn’t have my own domains and just wanted to experiment, tumblr looks gorgeous – especially compared to the old livejournal themes from 10 years ago. Sigh. Memories. Anyhow – drop your tumblr adress if you have one, I want to see them all
Dec 27, 2011 by Sushi Bird
I just went out for a small walk right after getting here, and all I have to say is – the weather is absolutely wonderful. I actually stopped in front of a kombini, bought a cheap coffee to go and sat down on a bench right in front of the store with a couple of old Japanese uncles and talked about how wonderful the weather is. It is such a treat coming from Norway in mid-December, and be able to sit down and actually feel the sun giving off heat.
Dec 27, 2011 by Sushi Bird
I tossed together an illustration category. It is absolutely no portfolio, I just wanted to gather some of the illustrations and doodles in the same place. You can access it by clicking the picture above, or at the very top of the page