
Happy New Year! It is the 2nd of January already, I have tons of journal posts clogged up and ready to post, but for now, here are some pictures from today.

I have started to take a liking to all the jidohanbaiki around. Some of them even sell warm soup, not just cold and hot coffee and other drinks.

We went to Shinjuku today to find new glasses for my mom, and of course we found glasses to about 1/8 of the price in Norway, lenses and frame included.

Sometimes I wonder how much electricity could be saved if Tokyo turned off all of the big billboards for just one day.

If I recall correctly, I think this was the street that was filmed in the beginning of Lost in Translation, when Bill Murray sits in the taxi and sleepily gazes out at all the neon lights.

The pretty Christmas trees around Studio Alta again.

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  1. Benedicte says:

    I want to go to Japan!

    That last photo is stunning.

    • Sushi Bird says:

      Come to Japan! I am trying to just bring my camera with me again and take pictures every day again. I remember how much fun it was when I first started many years ago, I am still chasing that first high, I think 😉

  2. Deadzie says:

    Happy New Year! Your photos make me want to jump
    on a plane and head to Japan. I really would love
    to go one day. At least for now I can see Japan
    through your photos. 🙂

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