Make something beautiful every day
Jan 22, 2011 by Sushi Bird
These were in my windowsill in my old apartment, and even though they are completely useless, I still liked looking over at them every now and again. I am very bad at keeping anything without a practical purpose (I feel a huge urge to dispose of anything that I can not utilize), but I was always very good at making things without a practical purpose.
I am not sure I mentioned it or not, but I made a page here on the blog for some of the various handmade things I have made over the past couple of years, you can find it here:
I think these are really cute! Like small treasures that you can look at when it’s a grey, rainy day
I like the idea of small treasures, but I feel guilty keeping things without any apparent use.
These are so beautiful! Would brighten up any room!
Aw, thanks ♥
Making one smile/happy is a purpose? : ) I don’t know about you, but beautiful things have that effect on me. (But I understand your problem – I often feel guilty about my useless decoration as well. Things that should have a pratical purpose is probably the worst though – like empty calenders and notebooks and unworn clothing.)
You do have a good point. I kind of want to allow myself a little more pretty things in my life. I am the same with empty calenders and such – those give me a bad conscience!
åh, så fint! så utruleg flink du er
eg er sånn som spara på alt eg, noko som kan vere ganske irriterande når det kjem til stykket. treng eg verkeleg matte kladdeboka frå sjuande klasse? jada, for tenk kor kosleg det blir om femti år, når eg sit og viser oldebarn og barnebarn at sånn skreiv eg når eg var 12 år gammal. ein gong i totusenogfire. det verste er jo at eg ikkje ein gong har lyst på unga, men ja.. eg er ein håplaus samlar, eg bør bli mykje flinkare til å kaste ting, hehe 
Tusen takk for fin kommentar! Jeg tror jeg var sånn som sparte på alt da jeg var yngre, men etter å ha flyttet noen ganger, så har jeg skjønt at det aller meste blir jo ikke brukt. Jeg har begynt å ta bilder av alle ting før jeg kaster dem, de tar jo ikke opp så stor plass på en ekstern harddisk. Uff- det hørtes veldig uromantisk ut, men flyttelasset har blitt en god del lettere.