
Good lord, the days of disconnect continue. I feel so emotional and yet so numb, and all I want is quiet time to snuggle up in the bed or in front of the computer, and have my mind zone out and just be in the moment and watch silly TV-series without thinking about tomorrow. (So that is what I have done for several hours tonight.)

Now, this sounded a lot more mellow in my head than on the screen. The truth of the matter is – I am doing perfectly fine. I have had a great weekend, good friends, many drinks, nice food, karaoke and sushi and junk food, lots of hugs and many smiling faces and everything else a girl can wish for. Now I just need to drag myself back to reality and have my brain connect in, preferably before the keigo class tomorrow.

Life is beautiful, it is just going a little bit fast right now, and I want to stop and smell the mikans without being late for class. Because look! There are mikans on the trees here! Isn’t that amazing?

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