Tickets and tidbits (link love)
Jul 15, 2011 by Sushi Bird
A couple of goodies I have found or rediscovered on the web during the latest week:
- This amazing kinetic sculpture of San Francisco. You _have_ to see the video. It is absolutely gorgeous and incredibly impressive!
- Earth at night. Wow. Look at how lit up Japan is over there!
- Go make these cute page corner bookmarks!
- Here is a rough guide about how to order food in Japan if you do not speak any Japanese. Usually I think various guides often contains a lot of odd tips, but this one seemed pretty straight forward and down to the point.
- Melvin the machine! If you enjoyed playing with dominos when you were a kid, you will love this.
- Japan has glowing green mushrooms! Maybe the radioactive levels are through the roof after all
- I generally dislike theme-restaurants and cafes, they are usually more expensive and the quality of the food is often so-so, you pay for the experience, basically. Still, I saw this Alice in Wonderland restaurant, and I almost, just almost, want to go once just to see what it is like.
- I know I have linked her before, but whenever I feel out of inspiration, I check out her site. The one and only Linn Olofsdotter. Love. I also like the way she describes her workflow, watching movies while she works, doodle instead of sketching. Sounds like the perfect workflow to me!
- DaisyDisk is a great utility for mac to find out what files take up most space on your hard drive. Really neat info-graphics and very useful.
- A bit old, but an interesting 12-minute video about “Japan – the strange country”. It focuses mainly on the negative points about Japan, but it is still an interesting little tid-bit of information.
Nice links, and I like your ephemera collage!
The DaisyDisk link seems handy, thank you!
Hope all is well in Japan!
All is well in lala-land! I love finding new links on the internet, and the DaisyDisk seems really promising! I tried it out, and it did find some huge files and folders I had forgotten all about, now promptly deleted.
Hei. Dette var helt fantastisk. Gratulerer.Du er super!!
Tusen takk skal du ha. Klem til deg!
Takk for fine linker! Jeg likte spesielt godt San Francisco-skulpturen, Melvin og bokmerkene. Restaurant-guiden skremte meg litt, engelsk har alltid vært min venn i utlandet, men jeg skal huske på den om jeg noen gang drar dit.
Å, du fikk til å lage kommentar-kort. Hurra, så fin den ble! : )
å! Jeg har ment å kommentere på bloggen din, jeg så gorilla-parken, og tenkte at det hadde jeg også skikkelig lyst til å gjøre! Men så krasjet harddisken min og jeg måtte restarte og vinduet ble lukket. Sukk!
& ja, jeg fikk til å lage kommentarkort. Etter en del klussing, vel og merke. Nå må jeg bare lage fin submit-knapp, så er jeg i mål med den delen i alle fall
Så gøy at du fikk lyst til å prøve! Jeg var nemlig litt redd for at jeg kun fikk det høres skremmende ut. ^^’
ååå! Jeg fikk kjempelyst til å prøve! Kjente at det klødde i fingrene! Jeg vet ikke om jeg er sterk nok i musklene til å klare noe sånt akkurat nå, men det så himla gøy ut!