
I can not believe it is 10 years since 千と千尋の神隠し (Spirited Away) came out. I was never really interested in anything Japanese when I was younger, and this movie was my first real meeting with anything Japanese. I am still not into Japanese anime, but the movies from Studio Ghibli are just amazing. Most people have probably seen this movie already, but if you haven’t, you can see a nice trailer here.

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  1. I love Spirited away and (almost!) every other movie from Studio Ghibli. A couple of them are a bit to weird for my taste, but most of them are very cute!

    • Sushi Bird says:

      I still have quite a few movies from Studio Ghibli that I haven’t seen, but all the ones I have seen I have absolutely loved. I love the combo of traditional Japanese cultural influence and the general modern influence. And I also like that they aren’t as “cute” as Disney movies, I still remember the frogs in Spirited Away smoking cigarettes out the window 😉

      • Lets not forget “sotgnomene”!.

        If you havent seen these already, I suggest you go and watch them right about now!

        Laputa The Castle in the Sky (1986) – (Tenkuu no Shiro Rapyuta)

        Nausicaä of the Valley of Wind (1984) – (Kaze no Tani no Naushika)


        Whisper of the Heart (1995) – (Mimi wo Sumaseba)

        Some of my favourites!

        • Sushi Bird says:

          Thank you so much for the wonderful tips! I loved Laputa and I remember it well (and loved it!), I think I might have seen the two others, but movies and me are not best friends, I forget 9 out of 10 after a couple of years. The good part about that is that I can watch movies several times and be surprised every time 😉 Time to re-watch them, I think!

  2. Marie says:

    Wow.. I really haven’t thought of that. Time really flies by!
    I like some anime series, but I don’t watch it hardcore and follow news and stuff about it. That is too much for me, but I do have some favourite shows. The movies from Ghibli are amazing and I hope to see them all very soon.

    • Sushi Bird says:

      Incredible, huh? I was in senior high when I saw this! Now I almost feel old 😉 I don’t follow any anime-things either, I get confused when people talk about Naruto and all that jazz, I don’t even know what the most popular ones are! I think it is ok to not be interested in all aspects of a culture, I love Japan, but the pop-culture is actually not my favorite part.

  3. Gitte says:

    Å, Spirited Away fikk jeg aldri sett ferdig! Vi måtte runde av en halvtime før slutten forrige gang. Må gjøres noe med!

    • Sushi Bird says:

      Ja, det er en skikkelig finfin film altså. Jeg er ikke spesielt glad i tegnefilmer, men gjør et unntak for akkurat disse.

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