Right now I miss…
Sep 25, 2011 by Sushi Bird
Japan. Obviously. I haven’t had much inspiration to blog, my weeks are filled with deadlines and classes, and despite having a million things I want to share on the internet, like nice links and pretty pictures, I just haven’t felt any inspiration to actually log into wordpress and put thoughts, pictures and links on the screen. Right now, I am thinking that it is 84 days until I…
… have made yet another trip around half the globe…
And walking through the little side streets in Shinjuku, looking for food and fun things.
I really miss the inside of Lumine Est, I love their dining floor. (If you are ever there, all-you-can-eat-chinese-buffet, 2500yen, just a tip!)
I am looking forward to see pretty manholes and get lost in Akihabara again.
Or jump on the Shinkansen, just because I can, and see someplace new. Or spot Mt. Fuji in the distance.
And find small ryokans and places to rest for the night, Japanese-style breakfast included.
Right now, what I probably miss most of all, is that clear September light that used to fill the room everyday, and the small shrines right next to busy streets with tons of people dressed to the max in expensive suits.
Vet ikke helt om du husker meg men vi møttes på Raptus i år! Du gav meg linken til siden din og siden har jeg sjekket den hver dag ^^!
Det er virkelig gøy å lese den og bildene er fantastiske! Håper du fortsetter å skrive
Hei, så hyggelig! Kjekt at du titter innom
Your photo posts are the only reason I even have a livejournal account anymore
Aww, thanks
I rarely check over at lj anymore – but the automagic cross-post-button from wp makes it easy to update it from here