Things I love Tuesday (Language special);
Jul 10, 2012 by Sushi Bird
Language special:
- Japanese sound symbolism on Wikipedia. Most languages have such words; for example, “bang”, “zap”, “ding”, “slither”, “pop”, etc. in English. Sound symbolic words occur more often in Japanese than in English—they are found in formal as well as vernacular language.
- Learn Japanese through immersion – interesting article.
- All the vowels in the English language – a chart.
- Japanese doesn’t have syllables in the typical sense, instead they have mora – explained on Wiki.
- Words made in Japan which can not be translated.
- Ghoti is a constructed word used to illustrate irregularities in English spelling. It is a respelling of the word fish.
- Benny writes about “The smartest decision you will ever make to achieve fluency”.
- A list of ALL the jōyō kanji.
- Youtube videos showing different applications for Nintendo DS to help study Japanese. Everything from writing beautiful characters to an electronic dictionary.
- Age no excuse for failing to learn a new language!
- 10 Things I Wish I Knew About Japanese Learning When I Was First Starting Out on Tofugu.
Goofy fun stuff:
- The Oatmeal have the greatest cartoon ever about why Nicola Tesla var super awesome.
- On days when you feel like everything is going straight to h**l, click the make-everything-ok button.
- If the button above is not to your liking, you can always head over to
- And then you can waste time popping bubble wrap.
- Instant cosy evening in three tabs!!! It is summer, it is hot and it is humid, but if you want to get into that cosy fall feeling, open a new tab in your browser and listen to this piece of calm music, open another tab in your browser to light up the fireplace and a third tab to make it start raining.
Tesla! For et par måneder siden fant jeg faktisk en Tesla-seddel i lommeboken min fra da jeg var i Serbia i fjor. Jeg gjenkjente han først etter at jeg hadde fullført elektromagnetisme-kurset.
Å så fantastisk morsomt! Og kurs i elektromagnetisme! Av og til skulle jeg ønske jeg hadde studert realfag…
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