
8月座間味という沖縄にある島に行って、とてもきれいだった。毎日泳いだり、たくさん熱帯魚を見たり、ウミガメも見た!毎日海で遊んだので、写真はあまり撮れなかった。// In August we went to a small group of beautiful islands in Okinawa called Zamami. We went swimming every day, saw lots of tropical fish, and I even saw a sea turtle! Because I was mostly playing around in the water, I didn’t take many pictures.

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  1. Dulce says:

    So beautiful, your pics always make me dream of pretty things and places that i wish i could go 🙂

  2. nipple_salad says:

    Jeg satt og tenkte at det til Japan å være lignet så veldig på Taiwan… Og så så jeg at det var Okinawa. Det er jo ikke så langt unna.

    Nydelige bilder <3

    • Sushi Bird says:

      Ja, sant? Jeg tenkte på det jeg også, men jeg har jo aldri vært i Taiwan, kun mainland China, så jeg turde ikke skrive noe om det.

  3. Jason Cobill says:

    Those rocky islands are gorgeous – are there houses on them? Can people live there?

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