Sep 30, 2013 by Sushi Bird

The mobile pictures keep on piling up! Above, the Pine Dairy bar in Timmins, On.

Sushibird and bird-bird. I wanted to take the poor guy home. He was stuck in a hotel reception somewhere in Northern Quebec without 24 hrs of light and no privacy, poor guy. No wonder he was grumpy.

One more thing to cross of my bucket list, the Canadian version of a bento box. The crackers were ok. The Kit-Kat was not really my thing. Below, too much wine and freshly cut bangs.

I haven’t had a Slush Puppy since I was a kid, and I just had to try it out again. It was sweeter than what I remembered it to be. Below, more poutine and a true Canadian hero.

Sep 29, 2013 by Sushi Bird
Sep 29, 2013 by Sushi Bird

Timmins is not really well known for their food (although they do have yummy Poutine!), but we went to a decent sushi restaurant when we were there, Osaka Sushi (57 Mount Joy Street South. The google maps are not updated on street view but the address is correct). Compared to the other sushi places I had tried in Timmins previously this one was the best one. If you compare it to other places in the world, it wasn’t that much to call home about, but if you compare it to the rest of the food in Timmins, it is way above average and worth stopping by. The prices were very reasonable, and the food was decent. About the rice – it was slightly acidic and strong in taste compared to Kanto-style sushi rice, but nothing too-too overpowering. The rice was fresh and not dried out. Chinese people in the kitchen. It is an all-you-can-eat type of place ($15 for lunch and around $25 for dinner), and they also have a lot of Chinese and Thai food, so it is easy to go with friends or family that doesn’t want to eat sushi.
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Sep 28, 2013 by Sushi Bird

Jeg har ingen ord. Høsten kommer tidsnok. Jeg ser gjennom bilder fra sommeren og tenker at jeg ikke er klar for kaldere kvelder helt enda. Jeg vil tilbake til Canada og bruke altfor lang tid på å drikke kaffe hver morgen, spise mat med høyt kaloriinnhold og lavt næringsinnhold og vente på å bli kjørt dit jeg skal. Jeg vil utsette alt som må gjøres, bare litt til.

Sep 28, 2013 by Sushi Bird
Sep 27, 2013 by Sushi Bird

… it is all blending together now. Driftwood dreams meet rain at 3am. One day when you come looking for her she will be gone.

Sep 26, 2013 by Sushi Bird
Sep 24, 2013 by Sushi Bird
Hello and sorry for the mess! I am migrating the site over to a new server, so everything will be pretty messy here for the next little while. Will be back soon!
Sep 15, 2013 by Sushi Bird
Sep 11, 2013 by Sushi Bird

… I feel overwhelmed.