♥ Ost / Cheese / チーズ ♥
Aug 14, 2011 by Sushi Bird
Ok ok ok. I know probably everyone living in Oslo already know about this place, but just in case – I found a great cheese shop! One of the great things about Norway is all the quality cheese, so I will be eating a lot of cheese while I am in Norway. This shop is at Birkelunden, and if you pass by, you have to try the cheese platter. Really great quality, big portion of cheese, and reasonably priced. I understood that they also sold different crepes and such, but I came for the cheese, which you should do as well. The staff was also really nice and had a lot of knowledge about the different cheeses they served, so go go go! (& here is the website. )
Ja der har de mye godt! Liker bildene dine fra Japan også så utrolig godt. Får bare lyst å dra tilbake:) Og den nye headeren din er virkelig super. I like!!:) Kos dere i Oslo!
Jeg synes det var skikkelig fint utvalg i forhold til størrelsen på butikken
Oslo var fiiiint 
Ah, herlege herlege bilder!
Tusen takk skal du ha
Åh, ost. Det er så godt.
Ja, Norge er bra på ost!
Bloggen din får meg til å ville løpe ut i verden og se hva den har å tilby! Takk!
For en fiiiin kommentar! Tusen takk skal du ha