
Here are some mobile pictures from January  I love all the potted gardens around in Tokyo. People might not have much space, but they keep on making the most out of the space they do have.

My friend came to visit from Norway, and she brought cheese doodles. I am in love with OLW cheese doodles.

And sushi. Always sushi. My diet conists of 50% crap and 50% super-healthy fish. I hope it evens out if you add it all together. I will probably get mercury poisoning sooner or later from all the tuna I have consumed.

And I love how even cheap and regular Izakayas have delicious food.

I smoked a water pipe in Japan for the first time. It tasted like raspberries, and it was quite good. I still quite don’t understand the fascination with water pipe bars, but it was a fun experience none the less.

I had messy hair all month.

I will always love these streets. It feels like home.

I bought a new necklace – it was on sale, and I absolutely love it.

Bad diet VS good diet. The bad deepfried kushikatsu was delicious. So was the sushi.

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  1. Gitte says:

    Such a lovely necklace! And the food looks delicious! (junk food + sushi = tempura maki?)

    If you love cheese doodles, you must see this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vC8gJ0_9o4M (It always gets me in a good mood, Aleksander is awesome.)

  2. Tokyoyo says:

    Aaaah, sushin ser så god ut! Som jag längtar tills vi är i Tokyo igen. Inte ens 2 månader kvar nu!

    Visste inte att det var en grej med vattenpipe-ställen i Japan, är det något nytt? Psännande!

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