May 12, 2011 by Sushi Bird
We went for a great little walk around the neighborhood a couple of days ago. The sun was shining and it was getting hot outside, so we figured it would be a waste to just sit indoors and do homework and work. I love that about Tokyo, you can go right outside your door, and you will always find someplace new and interesting to explore.
I think the house above is actually lived in. I tried to find the entrance, but it wasn’t that easy because of all the greens.
I think that those stairs must lead to the entrance of the house.
People have small and strange things on display in tiny windows.
I love how people actually put small and cute things in their potted gardens.
We found this really strange and almost abandoned street. It must have been bustling in earlier days, but now half of the shops were closed up.
Still, the usual street decorations were up. I almost want to get something like this to decorate the house with. I know it is flashy, but I figure, if I had a big white room this would liven it up. Yay? Nay?
& I am always interested in typography, and I love the font they used for Toyland in the picture above. Unfortunatly, Toyland seems to have closed down, but I need to figure out the name of this font, or if it is specially made for the shop.
English conversation school in shoddy back street.
I am not sure what this display is about, but around the entire house there were small displays of cans and bottles.
There was also lots of shoddy stray cats.
And if you shop is too small to fit all of your goods, you can always get some extra storage space by opening up the back of your car.
It was dark by the time we went back home.
åh, eg digge bildene dine asså, føles nesten som om eg tar ein liten reise kvar gong eg stikke innom, brilliant!
/ håhåi, fem stjerner du, tusen tusen takk for det du
ja, eg blir fortsatt litt irritert når andre stjele uten å gi credit da, men det e nok ikje lenge te før eg og ikje bryr meg om det, for me leve i ein verden kor det e lov (weheartit og tumblr) så koffår sko kje bloggerar ha lov, men eg syns fremdeles det e litt drøyt da, MEN skrift på bildene DET trenge ein ikje gi credit te noen for asså, det blir for gale syns eg, heheh 
Åh, du er så flink å svare folk når de kommenterer på bloggen din. Jeg har helt gitt opp å svare på andre sine blogger, jeg glemmer jo helt hvem jeg har svart og ikke. Men ja, jeg synes virkelig at innlegget ditt var på sin plass, skulle ønske flere bloggere kjente det på samme måte som deg. Var det en grunn til at du skrev det? Var det noen som skrev noe til deg?