Jun 13, 2012 by Sushi Bird

Even though I have posted a couple of pictures lately, I haven’t been writing much at all. Maybe I have lost my words, maybe I am more reluctant than before to wear my heart on my sleeve and write about anything remotely personal, Idk. Last week I started something which is incredibly scary to me. I started working out and eating better. I haven’t worked out or cared about what I stuffed in my body for the past three years. Three years. Yes, that is pretty embarrassing, but it is better to start late than never, right? Maybe I am scared because it requires a real effort. It’s hard to cheat your way to better longterm health. No shortcuts will last long term, and to be honest, that scares the shit out of me. But here I am, the running shoes are bought, and I am ready to put in what it takes. At least I hope I am. (& things are being tracked at myfitnesspal.com and runkeeper.com) Go go go.

Jun 12, 2012 by Sushi Bird
Mr TSO never ever stops to amaze. Western Norway nature at its best. It makes me proud to think that I grew up in the middle of this. Beautiful beautiful beautiful.
Jun 11, 2012 by Sushi Bird

Here are a tiny tidbit of amazing things I have found around the internet lately. This weeks links are mostly documentary and/or science-based, but a couple of self-help and coffee-links are also included. Enjoy!
- Incredibly entertaining documentary called “I Won University Challenge“. Smart people who have won the UK game show University Challenge. A collection of very special individuals.
- TED-talk: “Hans Rosling had a question: Do some religions have a higher birth rate than others — and how does this affect global population growth?”
- OMG! BBC put out the entire series “Life of birds” in 10 parts with commentary by David Attenborough on Youtube. Bliss!
- “The Cannibal That Walked Free” Documentary about the Japanese cannibal Sagawa Issei. Worth the watch if you can stomach it.
- 日本に住んでいる人: The Norwegian coffee shop Fuglen has opened up in Shibuya, Tokyo! I am heading there sometime this week to check it out. I hope the coffee is the same standard as they serve in Norway.
- Since we are on the topic of coffee – coffee drinkers might live longer.
- “Starting interesting things is a worthwhile trait, but perhaps a more important one is finishing those things.” Scott H. Young wrote about “Just finish it.”
- Short and sweet on wikipedia about Japanese aizuchi, the frequent interjections during a conversation that indicate the listener is paying attention.
- 30 things to start and stop doing to yourself.
- Ukens norske lenke: “Mytene om Japan” – bra artikkel om Japan i Aftenposten Innsikt.

Jun 8, 2012 by Sushi Bird
Jun 7, 2012 by Sushi Bird
Jun 6, 2012 by Sushi Bird

I find it harder and harder as the years go by to take a decent picture of my face. I am not sure if I have become less photogenic (possibly), more critical of my looks (don’t think so) or just a little bit less self-obsessed and in need of positive validation (hope so). In any case, I dressed up for 17th of May in Norway, but the feeling of all-dressed-up-and-nowhere-to-go made me drag out the camera and snap away. I really like how the veil kind of went out of focus with the 1.8mm Nikkor lens. I love that lens.

Jun 6, 2012 by Sushi Bird

Snapped these on the plane leaving Norway. Almost made me feel all warm and fuzzy, before I realized it was summer, and afhghkjdffggr snow everywhere. *sigh* Looks good from a distance.
Jun 6, 2012 by Sushi Bird

I have zero inspiration these days. Here are some trees from Norway. Ok. Bye.
Jun 6, 2012 by Sushi Bird

I wrote food. Haha. I should have written fruits and salad. And large amounts of coffee.
Jun 4, 2012 by Sushi Bird