My 2010 – October

I drank cheap white wine from small crystal glasses.

We went to a little fair, where they had the cutest birds on display.

This is one of my favorite kinds of parrots, the Eclectus Parrot. It reminds me of Yoshi from Super Mario World.

Where is the head?

Gorogoro – ZzzZzz

What a handsome boy!

And he can dance as well!

On the left – a penguin at the petting zoo. On the right – view from the new apartment.

They had a little train and bubble machine powered by people biking. If you wanted to ride the train, you had to bike one round first.

Later that month we went to the Ueno Zoo. Obviously I was mostly interested in the birds.

Tiny wild birds went into the big birds cages to eat their meat.

And the big mean birds were watching the tiny little birds.

And now for the lulz, birds can be so damn funny sometimes:

The leaves hadn’t really started to change color yet.

And there were still lots of bugs and dragonflies around.

I found this plant that reminded me of molecules.

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  1. Gitte says:

    Fugler er så fine dyr – selv er jeg spesielt glad i ugler. Kanskje fordi de er med i både Harry Potter og Tre nøtter til Askepott?

    (Skulle gjerne kommentert på hvert eneste innlegg siden bildene er så fine, men jeg føler at det kanskje blir litt masete. Uansett – takk for et flott innblikk i en annerledes Japan-hverdag. Hurra!)

    • Sushi Bird says:

      Jeg er nok litt i overkant glad i fugler – og siden jeg bor i Japan nå har jeg ingen selv, så da blir jeg ekstra glad når jeg ser dem andre steder. Og tusen takk for kommentarene, jeg er bare kjempeglad for å få tilbakemelding på det jeg har postet – på første dagen til og med!

  2. Carina says:

    Love that first picture. LOVE! 🙂

  3. Benedicte says:

    Hi N! I love your new blog. Gorgeous photos and design. 1000x better looking than my new one, but I have no clue how to make it as lush as yours.

    I adore these owl shots <3

    • Sushi Bird says:

      Benedicte! Hi! Thank you so much for leaving me a comment. And I can not wait to see more updates from your new blog, I absolutely adore your pictures. (I’ll add your link in my sidebar!) Seems like we had the same idea in our heads at the same time about starting fresh and blogging – great minds think alike 😉

      About your blog – I like the design on yours a lot! I decided to do wordpress on my own domain instead so I could edit and change the html and css without paying additional money. I thought you were doing the same a while ago, but maybe I am mistaken?

  4. Deadzie says:

    Beautiful photos. I love the first one and all the
    bird and owl shots. Especially the gray bird, soo cute!

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