The internet and me – a lovestory

I have an ongoing romance with the internet. It has been lasting for over ten years, and I am constantly falling in love all over again. One of the things I love about the internet – is that it can be accessed from most places in the world, so it doesn’t matter if I am in the US or in Norway or in Japan – the internet looks the same. It feels like home to me.

Over my years on the internet, sometimes cute little things have even showed up in my physical mailbox at home. At couple of years ago, this beautiful necklace showed up in my mailbox, an internet friend had read that I wanted it, and he had actually bought it for me, and sent it to me in the mail. I love how the internet makes room for meeting people and new friends that you would have never encountered without it. How random people show random acts of kindness. When I found these pictures in my archive again, I just felt happy, and I wanted to say thanks Guav!

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  1. Dorthea says:

    Oh, I love that necklace! So cool and what a nice gesture 😉

  2. Guav says:

    You’re welcome. It was at a time when it seemed that you could use some cheering up 🙂

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