My little table at Raptus was a success, despite having a cold. I can buy myself a proper lunch now. (Quite a few proper lunches, actually.) A curious thought; where things have their home. Almost all the items in the above pictures are sold, scattered around in new homes somewhere, stacked away in closets, hidden in kitchen cabinets and tucked away in jewelry boxes. Made in China, sold in Japan, final resting place; Norway. I feel both envious and fascinated when I realize that quite a few of my things have traveled further than I ever have, and seen places that I will never see. I often look at my clothes, or well, especially down at my shoes, and think that these shoes have been walking the streets of Tokyo, Oslo, Bergen, Toronto… And here they are. On my feet.
I am such a sappy person at times, I love women who sing with a deep voice. I remember that somebody told me over 10 years ago that I would like k.d. lang, but I never really took the time to listen back then, but now I think I am getting hooked. gaah, her voice. //end girlish broadcast.
Jeg har blitt syk, men det gjør ikke så mye, for jeg har fått solgt så mange ting på fredag og lørdag at jeg ikke trengte å komme tilbake til Raptus i dag. Det var koselig å bli kalt “verdens snilleste menneske” bare fordi jeg solgte tingene til en rimelig pris, det var kjekt å se andre bli glade og få stjerner i øynene. (Siste resten av tingene skal jeg legge ut for salg på internett så fort jeg får tid (ja, jeg vet, jeg har jo aldri tid).) Det som var litt dumt med å bli syk akkurat nå er at jeg ikke fikk kommet meg på verken klovnefest eller karaokekveld, men jeg sier til meg selv at det er greit, sånn egentlig, for først kommer helsen, så kommer studiene, og hvis man har tid til overs kan man slå seg løs og ha det kjekt.I dag skal dagen brukes til lekser, lekser og atter lekser, halvveis under dynen med macbooken på fanget, og av og til er det fint å ha sånne søndager også. Ha en nydelig søndag dere, så snakkes vi snart.
(Og jeg fant ut at jeg må øve meg litt på norsken min, så dette innlegget ble plutselig på norsk!)
I haven’t been back to Norway for several years, but now that I am here, I have gone through storage and decided to sell off a bunch of things, this post contains accessories and toys. I am mainly posting this here now because I will have a table at the comic festival Raptus this weekend, and I wanted to give a heads up to people in town so they can head over there and snatch up the items. Everything will be going for under half the original price. There is just way too many things to take pictures of everything, but here is some of it. I am not writing up any specific price here, if you buy more = more discount. I really just want to get rid of it all, and make a couple of bucks while I am at it. These things are not for sale on the internet just yet (mainly because, shipping from Norway is extremely expensive), but whatever is left over after the weekend I might post for sale on the internet if I have time. I hope to get rid of as much as possible this weekend, so this is your chance to score some good deals!
I haven’t been back to Norway for several years, but now that I am here, I have gone through storage and decided to sell off a bunch of things, this post contains mostly bento and kitchen supplies. (Separate posts with accessories and toys are coming right up!) I am mainly posting this here now because I will have a table at the comic festival Raptus this weekend, and I wanted to give a heads up to people in town so they can head over there and snatch up the items. Everything will be going for under half the original price. There is just way too much kitchen supplies to take pictures of everything, but here is some of it. I am not writing up any specific price here, if you buy more = more discount. I really just want to get rid of it all, and make a couple of bucks while I am at it. These things are not for sale on the internet just yet (mainly because, shipping from Norway is extremely expensive), but whatever is left over after the weekend I might post for sale on the internet if I have time. I hope to get rid of as much as possible this weekend, so this is your chance to score some good deals!
I haven’t been back to Norway for several years, but now that I am here, I have gone through storage and decided to sell off a bunch of things, this post contains mostly shoes, bags and hats. (Separate posts with accessories, bento-boxes, kitchen supplies and toys are coming right up!) I am mainly posting this here now because I will have a table at the comic festival Raptus this weekend, and I wanted to give a heads up to people in town so they can head over there and snatch up the items. Everything will be going for under half the original price. All the shoes are sizes 23.5 – 24.0 (37 – 38). Half of them have never been used, half of them have been used a couple of times. I am not writing up any specific price here, if you buy more = more discount. I really just want to get rid of it all, and make a couple of bucks while I am at it. These things are not for sale on the internet just yet (mainly because, shipping from Norway is extremely expensive), but whatever is left over after the weekend I might post for sale on the internet if I have time. I hope to get rid of as much as possible this weekend, so this is your chance to score some good deals!
I haven’t been back to Norway for several years, but now that I am here, I have gone through storage and decided to sell off a bunch of things, this post contains mostly lolita garments. (Separate posts with shoes, accessories, bento-boxes, kitchen supplies and toys are coming right up!) I am mainly posting this here now because I will have a table at the comic festival Raptus this weekend, and I wanted to give a heads up to people in town so they can head over there and snatch up the items. Everything will be going for under half the original price. This lolita lot is a mixture of brand (Angelic Pretty, Baby the Stars Shine Bright, Jane Marple etc), half-brand (Bodyline etc.) and off-brand (Fanplusfriend etc). I am not writing up any specific price here, if you buy more = more discount. I really just want to get rid of it all, and make a couple of bucks while I am at it. These things are not for sale on the internet just yet (mainly because, shipping from Norway is extremely expensive), but whatever is left over after the weekend I might post for sale on the internet if I have time. I hope to get rid of as much as possible this weekend, so this is your chance to score some good deals!
These photographs have so much personality. The wonderful Julia Galdo. I have no idea what she does, but it is all just pure magic.
I have to mention these pictures as well by Tommaso Nervegna.
Here is a collection I have put together with moleskine notebooks made by the talented people posting their work over at Behance. I always love looking in other peoples sketchbooks, but I have a hard time finding the really inspiring ones. So far Behance has been the best place to look.
I don’t really have time to enter myself these days, but I think that if you like doodling, drawing and illustration, head over to and join the fun. They post a new challenge for you to draw every Friday. No real price involved, just for fun and exercise.
Finishing with a bit of a whacky link, a gorgeous and detailed collection over the people who were involved in freakshow back in the days + + +. A really extensive archive, I lost a couple of hours reading and looking at the pictures. I love what you can find in the corners of the internet.
Have a good week everyone! I am hitting the books again now!