Oct 31, 2012 by Sushi Bird

8月座間味という沖縄にある島に行って、とてもきれいだった。毎日泳いだり、たくさん熱帯魚を見たり、ウミガメも見た!毎日海で遊んだので、写真はあまり撮れなかった。// In August we went to a small group of beautiful islands in Okinawa called Zamami. We went swimming every day, saw lots of tropical fish, and I even saw a sea turtle! Because I was mostly playing around in the water, I didn’t take many pictures.
Oct 27, 2012 by Sushi Bird

色々な夏に携帯で撮った写真。// Various pictures taken during the summer with the mobile phone.

Oct 24, 2012 by Sushi Bird

那覇に行った時、首里城も訪ねた。あの日は晴れていたけど、急に雨が降った。沖縄や琉球の文化を少し習った。やはり、建物の形は一般的な日本のビルの形と違うと思う。// When we went to Naha, we also visited Shuri Castle. It was a sunny day, but all of a sudden it started raining. I learned a thing or two about the culture of Okinawa and Ryukyu. The shape and style of the buildings seem different than mainland Japan.

Oct 24, 2012 by Sushi Bird

沖縄の写真を見つけた!更新しようと思っている。那覇のモノレールに乗っている撮った写真だ。// I found the pictures from Okinawa. Time to update! These pictures are taken while riding the monorail around Naha.

かわいいカニちゃんでしょう?// Mr.Crab is cute, isn’t he?

Oct 17, 2012 by Sushi Bird

I don’t splurge often. I am pretty good at not spending money, but before I left Tokyo in August, I had decided to buy myself a small mac (an 11″ air which I have named “Happy Meal”) so I wouldn’t ruin my shoulders carrying the bigger one (called “Big Mac”) to classes every day. When I got to the Apple store, this handbag from Michael Kors caught my eye. It was love at first sight. I don’t buy a lot of brand stuff just because it is brand stuff, but this bag just screamed out to me. I justified it for myself by thinking that well… it IS a laptop-bag, because it DOES have a laptop compartment inside of it. And hey, since I already was in such a great splurging mode, I bought myself a little treat in the white bag to make my day complete. ♥

And then I went home, and opened up the box. The smell of a new mac…. aaaahhh! One of my favorite things in this world.

Oct 16, 2012 by Sushi Bird

Not much love from me to this poor blog over the past few months, so here is a couple of random cakes from Japan. Everything is fine and dandy, I have simply chosen to not prioritize to update the blog until I have gotten a majority of the work for this semester at uni done. I am slowly getting better at prioritizing. I used to feel guilty when I couldn’t do ALL the things ALL the time, but then I realized (little by little) – good girls sometimes create a lot of stress in their own life, stress that is not necessary. Nobody dies if I don’t update the blog for a couple of weeks. Nobody gets hurt if I put down the camera for a couple of days, and choose to do other things. All that aside, I remember the quote I wrote in my Moleskine a couple of years ago “I make things because I get sad if I don’t”. With that in mind I returned to my blog here today, and felt like updating. Hope you are all having a great fall!